Yes, autumn, Whatever you want to call it. I love it. Unfortunately, even though it is technically "fall" here down south in Arkansas, it isn't totally autumnal weather. We're having highs in the mid-80s this week and well.. I'm just done with that.
One of my favorite parts about autumn?? NO MORE SWEATING while shooting! Or, for you, my sweet clients.. no more sweating while POSING. HA!! Doesn't that just make life so sweet?!
I have had a couple of A M A Z I N G sessions in the last two weeks and I'm just dying to post a huge preview for you.
Sorry… I can't, yet!
But what I can do.. is post the previews I've already given on Facebook. My lovely clients haven't seen all their images yet, and I don't want to spoil the surprise. I'm beginning in-person gallery viewings THIS WEEK so I can have that lovely customer experience… oh, you know.. seeing the client's face when you see your images for the first time. I can't wait. I can't wait to see the light in a young girl's eyes when she sees the photos I've taken of her and actually SEES herself for what seems like the first time. I love that. Showing a girl just how gorgeous she really is. Seriously L O V E.
So, before this session, I had never worked with a horse. Now, I would prefer each client to bring a horse. FOR REAL. Such majestic animals. Dignified. Beautiful. Looking at a horse just reminds me of how great my God is. Like looking at a brand new baby, or a beautiful woman with a lifetime of wrinkles on her face. There is so much beauty everywhere, and I'm so incredibly thankful that I get to capture that magic.
After I posted this preview, I had a couple of my number one fans text me and tell me how amazing they found this image to be. I seriously have never felt such love from people not involved in the photo whatsoever. It was a profound moment.
While this was a fabulous session, both of them.. it was so, so incredibly hot and sweaty. YES! I'm so excited for upcoming sessions in the coolness that is fall! :)
One more tiny photo for this post… my sweet kitty cat. Well, my girls' sweet cat. His name is Sir Wall-e Sprinkle the first, but we just call him Wall-e Sprinkle for short. HA. He was super mad in this photo, we had been on a walk and this adorable, fluffy little gray kitten had followed us home. Wall-e Sprinkle would not look at any of us until the kitten left our yard. Animals are hilarious. :P